Migrant smugglers and human traffickers to become more ruthless and clandestine says new Europol report

Shifting smuggling routes and abusing economic vulnerabilities as criminals are finding new ways to lure potential victims

Countries around the world have closed their external borders in a bid to control and isolate COVID-19. In these circumstances, criminals are finding new ways to abuse the vulnerability of irregular migrants wishing to enter or travel across Europe and those financially struggling, victimised in labour or sexual exploitation schemes.

The new report of the European Migrant Smuggling Centre (EMSC) at Europol looks back at the operations supported in 2019 and the intelligence gathered to draw the possible evolution of these crime areas in the upcoming months. A clear outlook of the potential developments would prepare a more effective response to these life-threatening criminal activities.

Criminals are more ruthless to exploit the “New normal”

Enhanced border control measures and travel restrictions put in place throughout the EU have led to a shift in the smuggling activities from air to land and sea routes. Small boats are increasingly being used to cross river borders. Migrants are also smuggled hidden in concealments in freight vehicles and cargo trains which still move across borders. The closing of establishments offering sexual services in countries where these activities are regulated may also increase sexual exploitation. The travel restrictions may also complicate the employment of seasonal labour in the agricultural sector and increase the demand for trafficked third-country migrants already present in the areas.

‘Early in 2020, the European Union’s Member States and partner countries in and outside the Schengen Area were struck by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis will have a lasting impact on our societies and economies. The same is true for the organised crime environment where not only cybercrime, fraud and organised property crime is thriving in the wake of this crisis, but the dynamics of migrant smuggling and human trafficking are changing too. To counter this threat, we have to use the great advantage of shared intelligence to target these types of international organised crime and Europol plays a key role.’ said Europol’s Executive Director Catherine De Bolle.

Fonte: https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom/news/migrant-smugglers-and-human-traffickers-to-become-more-ruthless-and-clandestine-says-new-europol-report


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